Data Sources
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Last updated
Data Sources allows Custom Apps to be integrated with external system connection.
For any external system to be used as a data source, it must be first configured to integrate with VoiceWorx. You can add supported external system connection from Integration -> Connect Systems.
To add data source, select a custom app and go to Data Sources tab.
It features the list of already set up data sources for the app. You can perform edit/ delete operations of the data source from the action menu.
To add a new data source, Click on Create New Data Source button.
Provide the following details:
a. Name : Name of the data source
b. Integration Configuration : The external system configuration that integrates third party to VoiceWorx.
c. Personalized Data Source: It indicates if you want to create this data source as a personalized data source, meaning that only you can use it. One instance where you might want to restrict usage to integration in instances where access to any other users to the integration can be an issue in data integrity etc.
If you need to add a new integration, you can readily add the integration by clicking on Manage Connections.
Once you've configured the required integration, you can go back to Data Source tab to add the new integration as data source for the app.