Generative AI Assistant
The purpose of this document is to describe how to create a generative AI app in the studio mode in VoiceWorx. After going through this document, you should be able to create a generative AI app for web chat and phone/text.
You need to have a VoiceWorx account for this. Here's the guide to create an account if you don’t already have one.
You need to be subscribed to at-least a premium plan or above to use studio mode. You won’t be able to use Studio mode if you have a basic subscription. For creating apps in basic mode, go here.
App Creation
Login to VoiceWorx and navigate to "Apps" and "Custom Apps".
Click on New Custom App
Enter the app details as shown below. Make sure the (this is a Generative AI app) checkbox is ticked
Click Save and the app will appear on the custom app list. Click on the app name.
Data Source Configuration
Once you click on the app name, it will take you to Data Source tab. Click on “Create New Data Source”
Give the data source a name and select from one of the available Generative AI data sources in the dropdown as shown below. Click “Save”.
Create another data source of type internal content as shown below
Finally, create one more data source of type twilio as shown below
All the data sources should be listed as shown below
AI Content Setup
Goto “AI Content” tab and click on “Add New AI Content”
Enter the training URL and click “Save” as shown below. The URL should be the one where the app needs to train the data from.
After adding the content, you can preview it as shown below. You can create as much AI content as necessary to train the app.
Method Setup
Go to “Methods” tab, select “Generative AI” Data Source and click “Add New Method” as shown below.
For “Methods Input” tab, select the Request type and subsequent details as shown below.
For “Method Output” tab, use the details as shown below
For “Method Result” tab, enter the details as shown below
Intent Setup
Goto “Intents” tab and click “Create New Intent”
Create an intent by using details as shown below
For more information related to before and after method feature see here.
Slot Setup
Goto “Slots” tab, Select “ChatIntent” from the dropdown and click “Create New Slot”
Enter the details as shown below and click “Save”
Utterance Setup
Goto “Utterances” tab select “ChatIntent” as click on “Create New Utterance” as shown below
Enter the Utterance details and click “Save” as shown below
Input Setup
Navigate to “Input” tab and click “Create New Input” as shown below
Enter the details as shown below and click “Save”
Input Parameter Setup
Now you need to add input parameters to do that, Goto Input list where you will find "Manage Parameters" button on the created inputs.
Click "Manage Parameters" this will navigate to different page from where you can add input parameters. Now click "Input Parameter" button show below.
Fill the add input parameter form as show below, and click "Save" button.
App Publishing
Now finally navigate to "Publish" tab as shown below.
Click "Add App Publishing" button, this will popup a modal with a form as show below.
Fill up all the required values in the form, and importantly, select channel as "Generative AI", and click "Save" button. This will create a new publishing profile with the provided information for an app.
Enable Call/ SMS Assistant
You can make this assistant to respond over phone call/ SMS with a small change in the settings. Similar to the Basic Mode, Gen AI assistant provides call/ SMS support over Twilio. On the App Publishing , you can see a flag for 'Enable Twilio Bot to use this App Publishing'.
Turn on the 'Enable Bot to use this App Publishing' toggle button.
You'll be prompted to setup basic Twilio setups.
a. Select Country ( available options US / Canada)
b. Select Scheme ( Local or Toll Free) . For Toll Free number, you've to make additional setups in Twilio account.
c. Twilio Phone Number : The list provides available Twilio Phone numbers from which you can choose any that you prefer. Once you select and save, the particular number will be occupied by this assistant and will only be freed again once you disable Twilio Bot for this app.
d. Voice Gender: You can also configure the voice gender that will respond to calls on this number. For example, areas where a female representative is conventionally expected, you can set the voice Gender to female and vice versa.
e. Voice Profile: You can also select a voice profile that you feel like matches the personality of the assistant.
f. To check if you like the Voice of the assistant, you can click on the Play button that will play the sample text in the Voice Gender and Voice Profile you just selected.
Now, click on Save and your assistant is now readily responding to calls and SMS from your customers.
Disassociate Twilio Phone Number
In order to disassociate the number from this assistant, you can select option 'Dissociate this current number' on the Twilio Phone Number drop down and click on Save.
Last updated